So, you all might want to know a little bit about me, right? Let’s hop right into the introduction! You might learn more than you ever wanted to know.
- I’m in my early forties. I never thought I’d be one of those women that dreaded getting older when I was in my twenties. Thirty came and went without a fuss. Then thirty-five hit. Oh, the horrors! When I turned forty, it finally hit me that I was an adult and I’m passing across into the age when women are already considered ~gasp~ old.
- I’ve been married for 17 years to my very understanding husband. We’ve been together for 24 years.
- I have an immense amount of makeup and nail polish for someone who rarely wears either.
Makeup stash – that case and basket in the back are all nail polish! - I’m blunt and to the point and have very little of a filter. But I’m empathetic to a fault and cry at the drop of a hat with anyone.
- Moving to New Orleans is in my 5-year plan. I fell in love with the Big Easy on a high school band trip in 1991/1992 and a visit to see my best friend over Halloween 2014 set that love in stone.
- I played French Horn in the band in school.
- I have had chronic migraines since high school. At one point I was having migraines more days than not during the week. I was treated for major depression for ten years before being correctly diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I have fibromyalgia (I’ve discovered since that it’s Sjögrens Syndrome and not fibromyalgia (2019)).
- If I could convince a doctor to remove my uterus and ovaries, I’d gladly lie down on that surgery table. Years of dealing with polycystic ovarian syndrome and fibroids have been hell. At times, I’d probably let my boss (a veterinarian) do it if it weren’t illegal.
- I received my first degree, a Bachelor of Arts, in December 1996 in Psychology, from West Virginia Wesleyan College. I barely used it until 2008.
- I went back to school for a second degree, an Associate of Applied Science in Veterinary Technology at Fairmont State Community and Technical College, completing it in May 2005.
- I worked for the WVWC food service for 6 years through part of high school and college. I attended classes during college, worked food service, was a tutor and a proofreader. I burned the candle at both ends.
- After college, I continued to burn the candle at both ends, working a full-time job and a part-time job. I worked as a 911 Telecommunicator for 6 years and was a cashier at Foodland for part of that time, working 60-70 hours a week.
- After receiving a call at the 911 Center about an injured northern flicker, I discovered Three Rivers Avian Center, a wild bird rehabilitation center in 2002. I did an internship with them and learned how to treat and rehab injured and ill native non-game wild birds. I continue to volunteer for TRAC to this day. This was the final prompt for me to quit 911 and get my Vet Tech degree.
- Upon completion of my Vet Tech degree, a group of veterinarians founded the North Central West Virginia Emergency Veterinary Clinic. I was one of the founding technicians when the clinic opened. I loved working in the ER field, but the hours and the drive (1 hour one way) were killing me. A local veterinarian who I had worked with at the ER Clinic offered me a position in my hometown. I worked there until my health began to decline.
- I had discovered that I had contact issues with latex a few years prior but did not realize the issues had become as bad as they were. I developed asthma, constant “colds” and generally felt like crud. Between the latex allergy and other health concerns that were brewing, a change of career was needed.
- I started working for a community mental health center as a psychiatric disorders case manager. I helped my clients get the services they needed, monitored their situations and stepped in and tried to get my clients additional help when crises arose. I loved working with my clients.
- I then moved on to another community mental health office working as a crisis worker. I just can’t seem to stay away from the crisis fields, can I? I helped find hospitalization for clients that needed help, spoke with people that needed crisis intervention, and also assisted with the mental hygiene commitment process. It was a 24/7 type of rotational job too. We rotated who was on call overnight. I really liked the job, but circumstances led me to move on.
- And now today I’m back at the local veterinary office, working as the receptionist so I can be in the field I liked most. The receptionist position limits my exposure to latex and other things I might react to, but I can still hop in and use my technician skills when I get a chance.
- I have 2 pomeranians, 1 german shepherd dog, 5 cats – one of which is recovering her eyesight after losing it due to hypertension, and a leopard gecko (rescued). We’re also fostering a border collie/boxer mix puppy until she’s old enough to be weaned and adopted out.
- I used to show chickens – American Serama and golden sebrights
- I used to breed and show rabbits – mini rex, jersey woolies, and lionheads. My mini rex rabbits were of the Lynx variety, a pretty rare variety in the show world that’s difficult to get a nice correct color on, much less nice correct body.
- I create soft pastel paintings, polyclay sculptures, stained glass, jewelry and other artwork as a way to cope with my illnesses and with life. I have won awards for my Polyclay sculptures and colored pencil drawings and my soft pastel paintings.
- I love horse racing. I play an online horse racing game nearly daily. I’ve been to Keeneland twice to watch live races. We’ve toured several thoroughbred farms in the Lexington area. The highlight was getting to pet Monarchos.
- I have started to teach myself modern calligraphy.
- I love everything witchy or paranormal.